Monday, September 17, 2018


From an article about a liberal that wants to learn how to hunt. And good for him.

"These are not the best of times to declare one’s pursuit of manly ideals. Masculinity, or at least the toxic manifestations of it, has much to answer for."

Why not?  I don't see a problem with it.  Nor do my work and friends and family.  And plenty of them are liberal.  Maybe you need to stop hanging around folks that think like that, buddy.  There is something wrong with keeping your head in that place.  Some loss of faith in the very civilization from which you spring.  Hell confidence in your very humanity.

Also, he mentions the liberal gun club.  Frustrated lefty gun enthusiasts that don't want to restrict magazines, ban AR's, or be associated in ANY WAY with the NRA.  But the only difference with their postions and the NRA is that they really don't have a problem with a nationwide gun registry.  I guess they haven't come around to grokking "Registration = Confiscation" just yet.  Oh, and they'd NEVER vote for a political conservative, obviously.  So, they'd reject Reagan and Scalia and Thomas and Kavenaugh.  They think the NRA and GOP are the same thing, and the NRA is captured by the Greed Gun Industry.  Naw.  I'm the NRA.  It's not that the NRA is in lock step with the GOP.  It's that the Democrats never put forward a truly progun candidate anymore that reliably votes that way.  If they ever do one the Liberal Gun Club be surprised when the hated NRA supports that Dem.

You know, the LBC even support national CCW reciprocity?  They want a qualifications floor, so a Pennsylvania CCW won't be valid nationwide, but a Utah one might.  Good for them. 

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