Saturday, July 13, 2019


This guy looks like JayGNeal Stephenson.

I saw that former blogger not too long ago.  He and his family are doing well.  You can still catch him on the SQRLRPT

People recommend I check out Neal's Diamond Age?  Any good?


Roberta X said...

Yes. Read it. One of his best, I think.

Ritchie said...

Roberta X is the b*mb in these matters. She is highly likely to be right, personal preferences notwithstanding. Of course, on the question at hand, she agrees with me.

As for range 8 July, while you're gripping the gun 20% tighter, focussing on the front sight, and working the trigger goodly, add using the heel of your primary hand to press the heel of the gun handle into your support hand. I've seen this work after brief description to someone in the next lane. At the least, all this stuff will put a dent in your ammo consumption.