Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Still nuthin in the ol brainpan to post.

I'm reduced to ephemera.

Lessee... I have a dentist appointment. Then I have to vote in the primaries.

Might have a gunsmith project to post. A buddy got a cheap single-shot 20 gauge shotgun from his father in law. It looks like it was left in the barn for 30 years. But it's a good practice gun to test one's restoration powers. We'll probably address that problem the same way I do old tools. Start with the least intrusive clean up technique and escalate from there.

I'm thinking on hitting the rifle range this Saturday or Sunday. You never know, I could get rifle opportunity for hunting this season. I should have something I can shoot and zeroed in. And I want to go rifle shooting solo. Just me. No one else to worry about. It's fun sharing, but I need some me time.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Go shoot, that always gets the brain juices flowing :-)