Monday, September 27, 2010

Gettin the Definition Straight

I got to thinking. I can't be the only guy that came up with a term like MetroCon. So I let my Google fingers do the walking and BING! Nope, lots of people pre-date my usage.


Conservatives don't manscape! They use soap. Not conditioners and other 'product'. A man shouldn't smell like that. That Old Spice guy should have taught you that. A man should smell like Vitalis, Aqua Velva, tobacco, sweat, bourbon, and occasionally... methane.

Anyway. My reference is to a conservative that grew up in the city or suburbs and have less contact with rural ideas or issues. Their boy scout camping trips involved a tent on the baseball field of the high school 4 blocks up the street. George Will, David Brooks, and Jonah Goldberg types. Though Jonah DOES vacation in Alaska. I believe his wife is from there. So he gets bonus credit.

Metrocons can (emphasis on the maybe) be hostile to or merely apathetic to 2nd Amendment rights, but usually because of lack of exposure to firearms. Or that is my theory at least.

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