Monday, March 17, 2014

Another Dream

Another dream I had, the same night...  Not gun related

J K Rowling was writing another Potter book.  For some reason she hired ME as her assistant.  I have no idea why.  If I was her I'd have not hired me. 

But we were brainstorming together, coming up with new characters that may or may not be included in the story backgrounds.  Just random NPCs, then jotting down their vitals on a 3x5 card.  Name, House, quirks, foibles, &c.

I remember one name:  Humble Doochnoozle.  Hufflepuff, I think.  I was trying to get Ms. Rowling to maybe reconsider that one...  I thought the name Humble was good.

1 comment:

Marty said...

I am currently reading her hard-ball detective novel The Cuckoo's Calling that she published as Robert Galbraith.

About halfway through and I like it a lot so far.