Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Well what did you expect?

You've been telling them if they even LOOK at raw chicken they will catch salmonella.  Raw meat disease vector panics.  When did those germaphobic panics get bad?  1936?  1914?  1870?  NO!  I am thinking Germanophobe, not germaphobe.  Germs.  Not goose-stepping Squareheads.

At my house, we were still re-using shake and bake mix if we didn't use all of it up in one go in the 1980s.

Yeah, I might not do that now as a best practice.

We were a little worried about pork, but for trichinosis.  Just cook it.  No rare pork chops.

But, come to think of it...  I did used to get "24 hours stomach bugs" a lot back then and rarely so now, and now I practice marginally better raw-food handling techniques.

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