And they showed TWO things. Homer Price and his donuts and the Red Balloon.
Pretentious and treacle. One is FRENCH for Pete's sake... yet I relished every re-watch
It could have been worse. Other kids were forces to watch THIS over and over.
I lucked out and never got more than 10 minutes of that one.
But one movie in 9th grade arguable got me to where I am today, at this blog, doing the gun stuff I do. US History class.
Thank you Mr. Rattan
HAH. When I was in elementary we got film strips, change the slide to the beep on a record.
Occupation: Bit Turner. A job I could understand.
When I was in Junior High School (Middle school to you kids) we loved it when the teacher played the films backwards. That was a delight for both the eye and the ear. :)
That film on the gunsmith is inspiring indeed. I watched it years ago, and it is available now as a DVD. When at Williamsburg, I handled the very rifle that is made in the film, and it is remarkable in every way.
"Lock ,stock and barrel"
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