Thursday, June 6, 2019

75 years ago

Diamond anniversary.

Won't be many around at the next round number anniversary.  80.  The soldiers, sailors, and airmen that were there.  The absolute youngest will be pushing 100 by then.

WWII was always a big portion of my life.  And now it will fade away.  And I wasn't even around til 25 years after it was wall over.

Yesterday they upgrades my phone.  Plain Old Telephone Service is no more.  If the power goes out the phone will no longer work.  Just like your smartphones.  In an emergency no way to summon an ambulance to help someone or tell relatives that despite the emergency, I am fine.  That's fine, I guess.  I'm just feeling a little old.

Lots of folks at Normandy never got that chance, 75 years ago, to feel old.  So I got that going for me.  

1 comment:

Windy Wilson said...

This is Bob Capa's famous photograph from D=Day. As I understanding it, the many rolls of film he photographed that day were rushed back to London for processing. Through carelessness, his film was burned in processing. This is one of only twelve images that were saved.