Wednesday, November 18, 2020

COD: Cold War

 I was interested in the new Call of Duty title.  It appeals to me because it is set in 1981, and I am old.  Plus, it has the Gipper in it.  

So I watched some gameplay.  A point against it.  Reflex sights and laser sight on the rifles.  Booooo!  They didn't have the good stuff in '81. 

"But the Terminator had a .45 long slide with laser sighting, T-Bolt!"

Yeah, and Arnold had a car batter strapped to his ankle to power it in those scenes.  

"So whatcha whining about?"

It really took my head out of the story, ya know.  

I understand why they are in there.  For the multiplayer games you gotta have that stuff.  Kids today hate iron sights, even in their pixel guns, apparently.  So I'll have to suspend disbelief, and rock a .45 with a red dot on it.  And a Tritium front sight.  

Just over-pedantic gunnie whinge .

Also. Part of the story line is concern over Neutron Bombs.  That was a thing.  Yes, Neutron Bombs were in the popular culture by 1981, I remember that.  "Kills all the people but doesn't hurt the infrastructure!"  That was a thing.  A concern.  Check out the movie Repo Man.  But Time magazine was talking about em long before the movie.

Plate of shrimp.

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