Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Gun people have opinions

Gun opinions have opinions.  And just like all opinions, everyone has one and they generally stink.

And we are not shy about sharing our gun opinions with other people of the gun.  

You see another mostly-ally 'on the street' open carrying. (Really, it's at the register of the Sheetz, getting brefass sammich)  A Walther PPK.  In a floppy nylon holster with no retention.  At the small of the back.  What do you?

  1. Point and laugh, "Loser!  What an awful gun!  Slide bite, much?  Yer gonna get that taken, then, nothing but tears."
  2. Stare and judge silently.  Oh you ARE judging
  3. "Hey buddy, you don't know me from Adam's off Ox, but, I'd carry with a better pistol and a better caliber and a better holster, and concealed.  UPGRAYDDD.  The J-Frame in your wife's purse she's never taken to the range is a better idea than that.  But you do you, Boo-Boo.  The grips are great, tho." 
  4. If asked by the individual what you think of the ivory grips on his OC Gatt, say "The grips are tits, but, personally, that isn't my preference for a whole carry strategy.  That's just me."  Have polite explanations if follow-up questions are forthcoming.  
#1 might be true, but not polite for anyone but a best buddy.

#2 is the politest one.  Well, out loud polite.

#3 is a bit interjecting and innapropriate, sounding off uninvited.

#4 is polite, and satisfactory.  Trying to get around to #3, being your ultimate message.  But hell, what do you know?  Have some humility for once in your life. 

Me?  #2.  If I know the person, #4.  And more alert of people milling about that aren't him.  Silly.



Mike V said...

There are worse guns to carry than the PPK. It COULD be a Jennings or Hi Point.

Hypnogator said...

I observed the height of absurdity a few years ago at the funeral of one of my wife's classmates: Some dude openly carrying a Beretta .25 auto. We sat behind and to the right of him, I with my Springfield XDs .45 snugly under my suit coat.

Will said...

Oh, wow. I thought I was the only person with an OWB holster for the Beretta 950BS Jetfire. Leather Bianchi in LEFT HAND!!! Didn't need it, but just had to buy it, it was so cute. NOS in a gunshow booth.

Then, I found I had to have the gun modified to make it practical. The barrel tip-up lever would get caught inside the holster and release the barrel, which would jam the gun in the holster, making it impossible to draw it out until the holster was compressed to re-latch the barrel.

So, I had the raised, cross-hatched finger pad machined off the lever, so it wouldn't get snagged in the holster.

In addition, the mag release button protruded above the surface of the left hand grip, and it would get activated by either hand holding it, or by getting bumped while in the holster, since a left-hander has it facing the world when carried.

That holster purchase ended up being an expensive proposition!