Monday, February 28, 2022


Look, I like Richard Hernandez.  Even trust his reporting.  But I have been burned so much the last coupla decades by 'factual' reports detailing recent events that then turn out to be wholly fantasy to just accept things.

If he told me my mother loved me I'd still look for other sources to confirm.

"The Russian battalion-sized airmobile force met stiff air defense and was immediately counterattacked by the Ukrainian mobile reserve"

"Unable to land follow-on forces, the paratroopers could not withstand heavy weapons and were scattered or wiped out. Equally serious for the Russians was the failure of their northern pincer to advance on schedule"

"IL-76s loaded with paratroops destroyed"

"Putin rolled the dice of war and didn’t beat Ukraine"

Now, I want these to all be true.  I am rooting for Putin to fail.  But the information streaming in is so strewn with misinformation and totally made up bullshit.  It's too soon to tell.  To paint such an optimistic picture for Ukraine.

Is the ghost of Kiev a myth?  Probably.  Is the Snake Island defiance a myth?  Probably.  I do so want both to be true.  

There is plenty of time for Ukraine to suffer awful setbacks and lose everything, though.  The only fact I trust right now is there are Russian military forces inside Ukrainian territory and fire is being exchanged.


riverrider said...

yeah, i have been watching countless pics of "russian tanks destroyed" but they were ukrainian tanks. lots of damage, no bodies. and power/lights still on in kiev along with water, sewer, tv, internet. no bombardment of kiev, just a stray rocket every now and then. not much of an invasion by russian artillery standards. smells like a chinese wet market.

Mike V said...

When they all use the same equipment and similar uniforms, it gets confusing. All we know is that Ukraine is holding on, and God bless them for it.

The story of the grandma giving Russian soldiers sunflower seeds to put in their pockets "so flowers will grow over their graves," probably isn't true; but man does it sound bad ass.

Mind your own business said...

I'm not sure it wouldn't be best if both sides beat themselves into a senseless deadlock.