The New Year
It would be nice to have something profound to say, but I'm right out
of "profound" and running low on "glib." 2025's liable to be an A-ticket
ride, ...
18 minutes ago
A neophyte shottist's exploration and exercise.... Read by dozens daily
Clearly the vast number of guns sold in the last 3 years are causing mass mayhem and destruction.
Maybe the guns are now so powerful that they kill people without leaving any traces.
Interestingly, the rates rise after gun control laws get passed (Sullivan Laws, NFA34, GCA68, etc). The rates also rise whenever a prohibition is attempted. The confluence of gun control laws being passed beginning in the early sixties, and the War on Some Drugs beginning in the late sixties, has produced a spike that is only now beginning to normalize-and only after relaxing many of those same gun control laws.
Good one, and let's see Brady Bunch spin THIS!
And this is the TOTAL number of Homicides per 100,000. So this HAS to take into account Poison, Bricks, Knives, etc. So the number of Firearm Murders is actually LESS, in spite of more Guns being sold.
But the Brady Bunch "Can't handle the Truth!"
Bradys would gladly trade 3 throat cuttings for every firearm murder or suicide they think they'd achieve by banning guns. At least that what it seems when you analyze their public face and position.
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