Monday, January 20, 2020

Lotsa Talk, Not Much Action

Of course the President is gonna say nice things about the Freedom response to Blackface Klanny Northam.  It's a movement already sympathetic to him because of judges, it's a mass populist movement that he is a big exploiter of, and it's making allies of his enemies look bad.

This is all presuming that agent provocateurs or some dumb ass from our side doesn't make the whole thing go pear shaped, today.  Then Trump might change his tune.  Might.  He could also double down his rhetoric and make that work.  I don't pretend to know how the man does it, it resists Poli-Sci explanation.

[Remember when you could get a degree in that?  Of course then Communism still outwardly seemed like a valid system to a lot of idiots.  Anyway...]

Like I said, Trump is throwing moral support behind the Second Amendment for his gain and ours using his words.

I'd love to see some actions.  Apart from judges.  Do some executive order thingy that will only be in place til the next Dem President tries to reverse it 5-13 years from now.  Which will entail some political risk to said Democrat.

What thingy?  I dunno, like I mentioned I can't predict how this New York real estate mogul works.  He's got the authorities to wind back LOTS of BATF regulatory madness without having to pass a law.  He can maybe send Barr after a State government for violating a gun owner's civil rights under the color of law.  (Barr would have to be on board with this, and who knows about him?) Lots of stuff Trump can stir up.  And I wish he would.  Like this, but more.

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