Saturday, March 26, 2022

It's the Steak, not the Coffin Nails

Still don't know why they call them that.  Ever tried to hammer a cigarette into balsa wood? It's a challenge!

1 comment:

Goober said...

Your grandmother knew that eating too many potatoes and too much bread would make you fat. You know, the fit, lean generation of people that bathed their vegetables in butter, but ate bread and carbohydrates sparingly?

I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it seems odd to me that the most subsidized, commodity-type crops that our government is throwing all their largess after, are also the crops that they tell you to eat the most of. And right around the time that they started throwing that largess at the crops, to boot.

Dairy? Not highly subsidized. Bad for you.

Meat? Not highly subsidized. Bad for you.

Grains and corn? High fructose corn syrup? Well, by God, that's the Lord's own best food, right there...

I lost 136 pounds recently. I did it by purposefully eating most of my calories in fat, with protein a distant second.