Monday, January 21, 2019

Missed the Range Again

Had it all ready to go last week, but weather intervened.  Forecast for graupel on range day.  And I had to time grocery store trips around forecasts to avoid the crowds that panic buy.  I'm not afraid of crowds, but I am inconvenienced by them.

I love that word.  Graupel  New to me the past 5 years or so.  It's German for a type of freezing rain.  The kind that accumulates and looks like snow from a distance?  But that ain't snow.  Graupel.

The snow we did get was rough.  It wasn't much, the problem was it snowed, then it stopped.  Gave you enough time to lazily clear 4 inches wet heavy stuff.  As soon as you were done it started snowing again, slow and steady, and by Monday morning you had to clear another 4 inches.  This time wet sticky stuff.  My poor back.  I miss my 20s. 

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