Hey, what kind of magazine does the new SCAR-H, or Heavy, firing 7.62x51, use? Some sources say 'proprietary.' Others say it uses a M14 mag. It could be both...
I hope it's at least the latter or both. If I ever buy a SCAR, it would be the .308 version and I already have magazines.And the SCAR interests me enough to consider putting down the serious coin.
But that is less important than a widely deployed SCAR will mean more magazine and magazine pouches available for me and my M1A. And ammo.

I dunno... the SCAR-H is the bottom one. And that mag seems to have more of an angle to the bottom of it to be an exact M14 type. It's certainly different. Dunno if that means it's incompatible with my gun, if the shape and catchy thingies and holes are all in the right place and no new doohickies get in the way of M1A stuff...
Somebody point me to a US Army Ordnance document that says the SCAR-H and M14 have to have magazine interchangeability. That would be ideal, information wise.

I dunno... the SCAR-H is the bottom one. And that mag seems to have more of an angle to the bottom of it to be an exact M14 type. It's certainly different. Dunno if that means it's incompatible with my gun, if the shape and catchy thingies and holes are all in the right place and no new doohickies get in the way of M1A stuff...
Somebody point me to a US Army Ordnance document that says the SCAR-H and M14 have to have magazine interchangeability. That would be ideal, information wise.
A fresh run of milspec M14 magazines for the surplus market would be very welcome. I bought a pair of "new-in-wrap" mags back in the day during the AWB - they were $45 each.
I think you are out of luck. Note that the SCAR uses mags that funstion like an AR, whereas your M1A uses a rock and lock to seat the mag.
Ah, but can it be both? Cut a little window in the side and it a grop mag, but retain the fore and aft hole and tab and you can still rock it.
But yeah, your observation is a bucket of cold water on the theory. Why would retain the superflouse rock and lock feature? Hope springs eternal.
Don't have a clue guy... SOrry, but I'm not even looking at them, I'm looking at SR-25 Mod 11 :-)
"I'm looking at SR-25 Mod 11 "
Which is the type of magazine I'm hoping the SCAR-H uses since I already have a DPMS LR-308 that uses SR-25 compatible mags.
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