Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When you see face tattoos...

Do you go from Code Yellow to Code Orange? If I saw this dude I have a feeling I would. I'm sure suspect Justin Bryant sings in his church choir every Sunday.

I wonder if has a rap sheet...

h/t Robb

And if you DO dsicriminate against a dude with face tattoos, does that make you a Facist? Er... I mean Face-ist?


abnormalist said...

I suspect that anyone who blazes "Poor impulse control and bad decisions made here" all over their face with tats like he has requires some special attention.

Put him outside my house near dusk eyeing the front door and looking shifty, and I might take the time to get something especially nasty out of the safe to have sitting on the coffee table just in case.

Laura said...

i think he went to a tattoo shop and picked flash off the wall. so not only does his choice of location suck, but his image choices suck as well.

way to go, failboat. enjoy your one-way ticket to going nowhere in life.

Robert Fowler said...

43 previous felony convictions? When do we say enough?