Friday, October 24, 2008

JayG and Ammo/Magazine Amounts

JayG has a post up about quantities of ammo and magazines you should keep on hand. Read it. It pretty much gibes with my thoughtls

Good numbers on ammo amounts, I think, and doable. Even if you aren't a wealthy gadabout and bon vivant like me. That said, I'm not there yet. It does take time, accumulating that quantity, so if you are still climbing that hill, like me, be patient.

I noticed when I first started getting ammo, as I had NONE, I initially paid retail just to GET something. Nothing wrong with that. As you get more and you have a comfort level in case SHTF (food byproducts impact the air circulation unit.) happens tomorrow, you start to notice deals and pounce on them when they come. You also start to math in your head. Like: "Lessee, 140 round battle pack of .308 surplus at $95 is.... carry the 2... is 68 cents a round... not bad, but let's keep looking." and your whole search become price per round hunts.

Remember, "Buy Ammo Day" is anything the week of the 19th, November. Buy at least 100 rounds. Or 1120 if you are ambitious.

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