Actual quote of the day, Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli:
"Never before in our history has the federal government ordered Americans to buy a product under the guise of regulating commerce. Imagine if this bill were that in order to protect our communities and homeland security, every American had to buy a gun. Can you imagine the reaction across the country to that?"
Referring to the Health Care Act requirement that everyone must buy insurance for the whole 10,000 page healthcare boondoggle to even work.
Hmmm. It would be nice if every American had a rifle. But I wouldn't force it on you. I'd make that my starting position and compromise down to "Every American CAN buy a gun. And use it for all prudent legal purposes" in a debate with a gun rights restrictionists from the Brady whatchamacallit. I want to meet on the middle ground, after all.
Would You Buy a Car From MAGA Motors?
The Felon was shilling cars for the World's Richest Nazi.
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on Tuesday, selecting...
3 hours ago
Simple, go to the Swiss model; the government ISSUES you the standard Infantry rife (which we haven't had for a while, opting to give most of our folks carbines instead) AND a basic load of ammunition. Part of the quid-pro-quo for this is quarterly shooting for qualification (where the government the replenishes or provides you ammo). At the end of their service the Swiss can either turn in or buy their rifle AT COST. One Swiss family of my acquaintance has at least five generations of rifles...
Beyond this and I'm with AG Cuccinelli (good lad!!!)
Just to be clear. It would be more like forced to buy a gun a month. Forever.
Or maybe forced to buy Cable TV, Sat TV and Fiber Services. Forever.
It's the camel's nose under the tent... And agreed, lets MANDATE everyone has to buy a gun, and let's see what the response will be :-P
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