Wednesday, February 20, 2019

It's snowing like a MoFo out there

I gave myself a code Red, liberal leave, day off.

Had I left for work at my regular time I'd have been fine til I got to the parking garage.  Then I'd be stuck there.  As it's coming DOWN.  Gonna change to ice later. 

My company never closes.  It's really code Green, all the time.  We aren't the gummint.  "10 feet of snow and the building burnt to the ground?  Come to work!  Or burn a vacation day."


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Did you order the Code Red?


Will said...

I got to work one morning and found the company closed, with a note saying they were closed for the day due to the earthquake the previous evening. Hey, the place was still standing, and we had power!
I think the fact that they called off some baseball game because the ground shook a bit got them rattled.