Monday, December 13, 2021

Montgy County

My county.

Once the richest and safest county in the state.  A quiet bedroom community for DC commuters.  Now with policies that attract inflow migration of Hispanics, many of which are illegal aliens, and now it is easy to get cheap labor at the Dunkin Donuts and the Home Depot. Lawn mowing and house cleaning services are affordable because of the off books nature and competition.    

Carjackings more than DOUBLED.  Yeah but does that mean it went from 5 to 11 per year?  I mean, we get crime, but this isn't Baltimore of DC...  And murders are a single digit type situation too.  

And as long as you don't hang around the rum joints that was far from my neighborhood... Malicious destruction or petty crime doesn't really extend beyond some littering and parking disputes.  So I am grateful for that.  I don't get porch pirates come for my Amazon packages, even.  If my neighborhood is infested with illegal aliens they are honest middle class illegal aliens that keep their noses clean and press their high school age children to do the same.  

I am still on the lookout.  You know, locking the door to the car on entry for carjacking precautions.  In case of one bad apple.  A burglar wants in my house when I am at work, well, he is getting in, except my neighborhood doesn't totally empty out.  My neighbors all wave.   They'd notice someone besides me.  So that helps some.  

Back to cops.  The MoCo PoPo.  Not noticed a dearth of patrol cars, but how could I tell, 10% either way?  But the county let go 25 officers and didn't back fill 30 positions where an officer left of their own accord.  60ish out of 1200?  Who does that satisfy?   It doesn't make the Defund Police types any happier, and doesn't help normal people at all.  It's nibbling a margin, slowly attriting  .  Just useless.  Our local gov't office are filled with cowardly dolts, but that is a universal condition these days.  Never super competent, but less so lately.  You can say that going back a century, though.  

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