Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Snuck Past the Algorithm

An ad on Facebook:

 I've seen a lot more of firearm related products on Facebook, and no fewer than usual products for sale in Amazon's website, this holiday shopping season.  

I don't do blog related stuff on FB usually.  So how do they know to serve up gun ads?  Well, blogger is Google and Google talks to FB.  But I also lurk on "Custom 1911s" groups, too, to eyeball the pretties. Nothing too mysterious about them trying to sell me a Rittenhouse t-shirt even though they might not realize it is a Rittenhouse t-shirt.  Also, a LOT of brass catchers to attach to an AR.being hocked to me.  

I bet if someone snitches them out that long sleeve shirt will get pulled.  But I'm not gonna snitch.  

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