Friday, December 10, 2021

PSA on the Radio

Virginia Department of Health:

"Fall is in full swing, so be sure to keep protecting yourself from Covid 19...  Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly..." etc. and summat.

Well, we know that WuFlu doesn't spread on your hand contact.  It's respiratory aeresol, which is why masks that work aren't used (too hard) and masks that don't just don't (but are easy to use).

Still...  The hand washing thing.  I don't mind that.  Seen too many people come out of a terlet stall and just keep walking out the door here at the office.  ~shiver~  That changed because of this novel Corona virus because of all these Public Service Announcement.  

Now, some people, when this is all over, will go back to their slovenly ways. But I am hoping in the main that  greater percentage of folks in the population will be habitual post ablution hand washers.  And that is a good thing for a whole host of other reasons un-Covid related.  Move the need from 80% hand washing to 83% hand washing in 2032, still?  Net plus for society.  With luck it is a greater improvement than a mere 3%.  

A noble lie in the PSA I do not mind a whit.  You disgusting Typhoid Mary wannabe savages. (not YOU, you always washed up.  That other guy.)   


Typhus... Typhoid.  I often got those confused.  I should remember it because Typhoid Mary had bad hygiene and was the cook, so she she spread a gut disease.  And Typhus is the lice one, and Scrub Typhus in some Pacific theaters was AWFUL for the warfighters that got it.

1 comment:

Glypto Dropem said...

Countless times I have yelled "fuckin' slob!" after some jerk that just handled his junk at the urinal or wiped his ass in a stall went out the men's room door. It's bad enough at a store or restaurant, but worse at your work place where that same asshole is now in the lunchroom pawing the refrigerator door handle and other surfaces. Totally gross.