Sunday, October 23, 2011

I have no idea

I have no idea who took this picture so I can't credit them.  I thought the visual of the shock wave was interesting.  He hasn't even recoiled yet, which seems odd, but...

One shockwave propagating in a circle around the breech (it seems) and one as the muzzle, and a little wave around the projectile.

1 comment:

TXGunGeek said...

Schlerin shadowgraphy. we do it at work all the time. It is similar to a strobe picture but the light is collomated and intense enough to show the density changes in the air. That is the shock wave propagating. It is not unusual that it happened so quickly after discharge and the gun hasn't begun to recoil yet. You should check out some high speed photography of guns firing, there is a lot that happens prior to the gun actually moving in recoil.