Oh, good, the self-appointed "authorities" are deciding which people in their little group are "allowed" to carry a gun in Ep 1 Season 2.
The end of civilization and they are still arguing who deserves to effectively defend themselves.
"I'm a deputy! I'm trained to use firearms. That's why I have one and you don't."
Hey, the church bell over the speaker is on a timer. So that means that little country church still has electricity...
That ending! OH!
From the Target’s Point of View
Via email from Rolf: Very cool! This is from 711 yards away. This is almost
exactly the range to the most distant targets at Boomershoot. Of course, at
2 hours ago
Glad you watched it. Yah, Shane went "only one" on us. Notice it's the girls being disarmed, not the guys? Wonder what Breda or Tam will think of that?
90 minutes went by too damned quick, and there were too many commercials.
Can't give them weapons without training, you know. Can't even teach them the basics while sitting on your ass cleaning your own guns in the RV while Dale drives.
Why do they let the kids wander around, say "stay in sight" and turn around and walk away?
What is with wasting a jug of water by dumping it on your head?
Pointed out the electricity to my wife, too.
And totally called the end.
How about the big idiocy?
They're still driving that POS RV when there are ENTIRE RV lots just waiting for them to come get one.
Heck, they didn't even bother to look under the tarp of the pickup stalled in front of the RV.
The writers are stupid.
Oh yeah...WHERE did those zed come from. They had driven through that area only a few minutes earlier and they were only a 100 yards from our intrepid ban.....
The Zombie Forum discussed this last year....the idiocy of the writers and the fact that our heroes don't seem to learn or use common sense.
Hell no, don't teach anybody else how to use a gun! Is that what they need, zombies that know how to use guns? They've been lucky so far that the zombies are all liberals, but nothing suggests that the zombies lose any of their intelligence upon being zombified.
dustydog: Somebody needs to make a youtube video. A hero and his group fighting off a horde of zombies all meandering toward them like typical Hollywood zombies. Shooting them in the head as they get close.
Then one corpse comes walking up from the back of the group. Just as ugly and rotting, but walking normally.
Zombie: "Don't shoot! I'm on your side."
Hero: "Uh. You LOOK dead. But you talk. And you seem to be walking normally."
Zombie: "Yes. I'm infected. I'm a zombie."
Hero: "Then why are you not wandering around like a mindless idiot?"
Zombie: "Oh. Well I'm NOT a liberal."
Cargosquid: That is the reason that I watch little TV. All of the characters are forced to be stupid.
Two similar shows about average Joe and drugs - Breaking Bad and Weeds. BB is far more real than Weeds. There are things that could have been better with BB, but still the show comes off as real.
Weeds is a joke. All of the characters are so morbidly stupid that it is as realistic and convincing as the Brady Bunch. Makes me wonder if the IQ in California is always below the temperature.
WV: upercali - Huh.
Partially disagree.
Dale wouldn't give Andrea back her gun because she was suicidal and looked to Shane to back him up. I think that's the only reason Shane brought up the Only One crap.
However when they started the search party, the cops did limit the guns to only themselves.
I was more annoyed by Shane setting down his shotgun and Rick losing his rifle. Is that how they were "trained"?
It was the major change in the zed behavior between episodes one and two (in the first season) that killed the show for me.
I can take stupid people, but the threat has to be consistent or at least have a damn good reason for changing. The show had neither and thus I stopped watching.
Not that the comic book was any better, story-wise, but whatever.
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