Extractor tension on my 1911? Great, another thing I have to worry about that I just learned about now.
Well, it's not that upsetting. I haven't had to worry about it because apparently it's fine in my 2 1911s, and I didn't monkey with them apart from cleaning or replace them.
I would think this would be an issue with ALL firearms... Glock or 1911 or etc.
Now, I'm not having any problems now, and I know symptoms of extractor problems manifest in jams you never had before, FTE types, the dreaded Double Feed. But is there anyway I can adjust a new extractor spring my ownself, and how would I learn how to do that?
A Lesson From Yesterday
If you commit an act of violence in furtherance of the Orange Shitbird's
agenda, you will receive a pardon. You might face state charges, but if
you're in ...
2 hours ago
your banner is too thick. doesn't add content value. it makes my iphone hurt.
You can go to my blog, on a PHONE?! Wow. What an amazing world we live in. They oughta sell tickets.
Gonna have to get one of them someday.
Yeah, Man. Three different styles of chairs in one banner is really hard to take. It weighs on my mind constantly.
"Extractor", not "extractor spring".
Read this:
and this:
It's nothing you should have to worry about for a while, and you'll see obvious symptoms if you need to do anything.
thanks voodoo
And yeah, I know I messed up the nomenclature. I think I call it an "extractor SPRING" because I remember a lot of them are made of spring steel. But that isn't the right name, no. My Sig has an extractor AND an extractor spring. So does the bolt assembly on my 2 big rifles. The 1911 extractor may be springy, but it is just an extractor.
"...I remember a lot of them are made of spring steel."
Actually, that's the problem. They're supposed to be made out of tempered spring steel, but most of them are MIM or castings these days... ;)
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