Sunday, September 14, 2008

Black Man with a Gun

Kenn Blanchard, the Black Man with a Gun (multiple websites!), comments on zombie shoots on one of his NUMEROUS podcasts.

He recommends , at this podcast, shotgun slugs, and not a rifle, but I think he is worried about what is behind the target and not wanting to cause collateral damage, recommends against using a rifle. It's valid advice in a mixed environment. Level 3 outbreak, situation. If you have a total necropalyse, Level 4, might as well use that rifle and not care what is behind your undead target

He is also concerned about what do with retired undead bodies. They would stink up the place, and you'd have a lot of them.


Unknown said...

Yeah, that was a fun what if...

My thought with why the slugs. Is not so much the concern with over-penetration. But raw "stopping power". I think the idea is that a large slug will not only stop a zombie, but push it back away from you. We must remember that most zombie-esque type outbreaks are contagious. A single scratch can equate to one's infection.

So it's not just about stopping them, it's about keeping them away from you.

And truthfully, if I were in such a situation there is one weapon I'd definitely want...

A flame thrower!!!

"If it burns!!!!"

NotClauswitz said...

IIRC the proper method of disposal is fierylicious, which is also pretty stanky so stay upwind.