Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tea Party! Get HIM!

If a Tea Party person had shot at the Whitehouse with an AK47, Janet Napolitano would have declared the movement ALL domestic Terrorists and there would have been a few thousand arrests to root out the 'threat' to the United States.  Sarah Palin would still be in Gitmo.  No thoughts of a crazed lone gunmen.  Guilt by association.

#OWS soap-dodgers get a pass.


JD Rush said...

My thoughts exactly
Zrush[sent via phone]

Stretch said...

If standards are good Double Standards are better.

Earl said...

Don't think TEA Party folks are the kind to shoot at buildings in frustration.

Figure that TEA Party folks can find and hit their target, if they needed.

Figure that TEA Party folks are getting ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas and other Holy Days depending on their faith. They haven't given up on the system that seems to have given up on them.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

I'm shocked the dude hit a window with the AK from the distances we have to be talking about. I wonder if he was aiming for that window...

ASM826 said...

The more more we learn about this guy, the less functional he looks. He's going to be down the hall from John Hinkley for a long time. The anarchists in the parks had a moment of silence to support this guy and even that barely made the news.