Monday, March 12, 2012

Worst Show Ever

that he can't stop watching...

I managed to stop.  It had potential, this show.  Potential wasted.  AMC made Breaking Bad, after all.  Mad Men.  They made a show about advertising execs.  They managed to hold your attention in an office.  This is a Zombacalypse.  They can't manage to keep things interesting in life or death struggle for humanity? 


Laura said...

Chris now watches it just to see when Lori dies. That's all he cares about, really...

North said...

I was watching to see Dale and Shane die. Lori is next.

The redneck is the smartest in the group.

Laura said...

If Daryl's real smart, he'll split.

But he won't, because I think he's got a thing for Sophie's mom.