But whenever it comes up I often get dragged by cop-fans. Not the kinda dragging the rioters do. Polite comment disagreement.
Solution, for me, all this time has been to hamstring the public sector unions. They wield too much power. But that solution is, like most, too simple, direct, plausible - and wrong. Well, wrong-ish. Good ol' Mencken. Can always count on the sage of Baltimore until he got too old and bitter in the 30s.
Anyway. Yes, the union and big blue wall is a bad thing, and qualified immunity they back to the hilt is easily abused too. But take them things away you get new problems. If you kill off the public union then public/politic management has to have the cops' backs. SOMEBODY has to back stop them, or they'll get eaten alive. And I'd not trust a politician to do that. The only thing worse than a crooked cop is any politician that thinks you stand in his way at the ballot box. And they'll throw bad cops and good cops and victimized constituency over the transom in a trice if they threaten the pols phoney-baloney job.
So, my distaste for abusive cops is tempered by my greater distaste for the political class above them. What's that... a dirty cop is still acting like a good guy 80% of the time? Maybe. I dunno. But a good pol is only good, what? 50%? Servants indeed.
To be confident and competent enough with a rifle to be able to hit anything I can see in a Jovian Thunderbolt kind of way.
To be able to defend myself with a handgun.
To perhaps harvest some tasty venison with either a rifle or a shotgun, any skin or antler is just a nice bonus, here.
And, if necessary: To Defend the Ramparts of Democracy from a Level 4 Zombie Outbreak or against the Jacobin, Rampaging, Godless, Red-Commie Hordes (or their modern equivalent.)
"You never select a shotgun as your primary anti-zombie firearm. It's great for onesy twosey, but zombies travel in hordes. The reload time is onerous, and the ammo, while effective, is heavy and bulky and short ranged."
Big Mistake for Her
If Ginsberg had let Scalia put the words "strict scrutiny" in Heller and Hillary said "Gun control is just not going to be a priority for my administration," Hillary would have been elected President.
People I Hit F5 on all day, hoping for more content...
I keep seeing mention of "Wilhoit's Law," sometimes attributed to Professor
Francis M. Wilhoit, Ph.D., U. S. Army cryptographer, CIA agent, pal of
A machine learning tool that can guess where a photograph was taken by
contextual cues:
A powerful AI tool can predict with high accuracy the location of p...
Show and Tell
Quote of the Day It really is crazy. The owner of the gun is probably
enjoying all the fuss, but I bet he’d rather just have a normal sized
penis. Stephen ...
SR-88A: Singapore’s Final Evolution of the AR-18
Chartered Industries of Singapore was founded in 1967, and started making
M16 rifles under license in 1970. These were sold to the Singaporean
military a...
Weekend Knowledge Dump- January 17, 2025
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out
some of these links this weekend. Evacuation Considerations for American
Gun Ow...
R.I.P. Bob Uecker
I was going to post the great Miller Lite commercial with him, but Dwight
beat me to it.
I can heartily endorse his book about his baseball career, Catc...
The New Resistance to the 2A
You can see the resistance is shaping up around “sensitive places” doctrine
and “good moral character.” I remember seeing a comment from Prof. Adam
Light blogging
Minor medical condition taken care of. Nothing to worry about. But requires
a lot of couch time. Back later. Kamagra Ohne Rezept Kaufen
Eighteen Years Ago Today...
Eighteen years ago today, my son was born. TheBoy entered the collective
conscious, bringing "father" to the list of names I proudly wear. He's off
to the ...
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
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